You might not be aware that we automatically scan all messages, both incoming and outgoing, for viruses and other malware. We've been doing it for many years. It's a separate step and tool from the spam detection scanning that we also do.

A recent analysis of the malware scan logs, going back more than a year, shows that it is very, very rare to actually detect malware in the email passing through our system. Based on those same logs, there is a reasonable chance that some of those cases are false positives. That is, indications of malware in innocent messages.

Malware scanning on an email server is relatively resource-intensive, and it seems to provide very little -- in any -- value to our users. We have therefore discontinued that scanning as of 6 October 2019.


We have recently made two related changes regarding passwords for

First, we have disabled the password change feature of SquirrelMail and enabled the password change feature of Roundcube webmail. See HowTo: Change your password using Roundcube. The reason for this change, besides the coming demise of support for SquirrelMail (SquirrelMail's days are numbered here, EOL 31 Dec 19), is that the password change feature of SquirrelMail was not easily able to support out second change.

Second, we have strengthened the protection we use for storing passwords within the AcceptIO infrastructure. Read on if you are interested in details about that.

At approximately 4am PT / 7am ET, the AcceptIO email and web services experienced an outage due to a DNS failure. Service was fully restored at approximately 10:30am PT / 1:30pm ET.

During that time, IP addresses for most AcceptIO services could not be resolved. That affected users' abilities to log in to check or send email as well as email deliveries from external parties. The normal process for those external email servers would be to try again later, in which case messages for AcceptIO users would merely be delayed and not lost. It is possible, though rare, that some email servers would completely give up during the outage period, in which case on would expect them to return a failure notice to the sender.

We believe we have identified and corrected the conditions that led to the outage. We will be monitoring that situation more closely for the next few days.

Apologies for any inconvenience, of course.


The AcceptIO servers have been continuously running for over 2 years. It's finally time for some downtime, and it will be happening on 29 June (with a fallback date of 30 June) at 11am Pacific time, 2pm Eastern time. We are scheduling the downtime for 1 hour, but we expect it to take less than 15 minutes.

The purpose of this maintenance is to perform operating system and equipment upgrades. If all goes as planned, you probably will not notice any significant difference between before and after. The maintenance will include IP address changes on the server side. That should be transparent to you, but if you have trouble connecting you may have to close and restart email applications.

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