
AcceptIO services experienced a complete outage of several hours overnight 11-12 December 2014. Service was fully restored at about 12:55 pm PST on Friday, 12 December 2014.

The Puget Sound area experienced massive wind storms starting Thursday night and into the early hours of Friday morning. That caused sporadic power outages and other anomalies throughout the region. Our servers should be protected against that by the conditioned power in the data center, but technicians there reported receiving alerts about unstable power from their equipment. Somewhere along the way, probably around midnight PST, the AcceptIO server spontaneously rebooted. Unfortunately, it did not come down or come back up cleanly. Manual intervention was required to get the servers back online.

As usual with an outage, most email that you were expecting to receive would be queued and retried by the sending servers. In some cases, the sending servers may have given up and reported a bounce to the senders.

For questions or comments about this outage, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..